New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year for the standard New Year’s Resolutions post! You’ve probably seen plenty of posts about this topic, but bear with me for one more. Every year my mom forces asks me and my sisters to make at least three resolutions a piece. For the longest time we wrote them down on construction paper and kept them in the freezer. Sounds strange, but we knew exactly where to find them when December 31st rolled back around. These days, we keep track of everyone’s goals on an email chain.

Tori Mistick

I feel like everyone has a slightly different idea of what makes a good New Year’s Resolution. I like to pick something that is achievable, will make a positive impact on the whole year, and maybe something that I failed to do the previous year. For 2016 my biggest goal is something small. I want to plug my phone in at night somewhere other than my nightstand. Crazy, right? I’ve noticed myself getting sucked in to social media right before I go to sleep and sometimes I’ll spend half an hour just scrolling through photos. That’s not good for sleep or for my eyes that already suck!

Of course, this resolution requires a little shopping! I think if I have a great looking dock (I like the dark wood and grey felt) to put on my dresser across the room it will be easier to plug my phone in there and not touch it before I go to sleep or when I wake up in the morning. If all goes well, I’m hoping to take this to the next level and actually leave my phone at home when I go to the gym at 8am most days… basically don’t check it until I get back at 9:15am.


Photo: Quell & Co

Since I do social media marketing for a living, I spend so much time on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram throughout each day. I don’t think I need to check my personal account at 7am or 11pm,. Checking it doesn’t enhance my life in any way. But that doesn’t mean it won’t have a positive impact on yours, especially if you are using some of these social media platforms to market your business. Your new year’s resolution could be to look at how you can gain Instagram followers to your account and to do this, you will need to spend time on the site, in order to see what works and what doesn’t. As I make my living through social media marketing, I know how important it is to utilize everything the platform can offer, as it could help with your future success. I just need to stop myself from checking my own account when I should be having my downtime.

What are your resolutions? Does it involve getting away from all the screens in our lives?



  1. Jackie

    This is a great idea for a resolution! I always end up on my phone when I get in bed but I know how bad it is for me. I need to just get it out of reach!

    • Tori

      I’m realizing this is a multi step resolution! First I wanted a cool dock to keep my phone on across the room, but now since I’m completely blind, I need a little clock to keep next to my bed! haha Always finding a reason to buy stuff!

  2. Niki

    I should probably add this to my list, it’s a great resolution! My biggest resolution this year is to read more. I’m going to try and read a book a month…any recommendations would be great!

    • Tori

      Reading more is a good one, on my list too! I think less phone time will equal more book time. I have a couple good, easy reads from the Summer I’m happy to lend you!


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Tori Mistick Labrador Dog Mom Blog

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Tori Mistick is a blogger, podcaster and certified Canine Enrichment Specialist. You might call her a professional dog mom! Tori has a soft spot for senior dogs and loves the color pink. Based in Pittsburgh, PA.


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Lucy + Burt are the chocolate labrador duo in charge of testing toys, recipes and activities.

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