What will you do on your pet’s final day? It’s something nobody wants to think about. But it’s something we all face eventually.
And that’s why I’m excited to share this interview with you. I had a lovely conversation with Natalie Venosi about a product she’s created to change saying the final goodbye to our pets from a sad time to a beautiful celebration of life. Natalie told me how family friends in Bali lead her to discover the items that would go on to inspire her to make pet burial shrouds through her brand Sweet Goodbye.
This story this may cause tears, it did for me! But I’m so grateful to have had this conversation and spark a mindset shift for myself – and hopefully for you, too.
Natalie and I had so many questions and business topics to discuss that we didn’t have time for in this interview. However, I still think there’s a big strategy takeaway lesson here. And that is how powerful and impactful your personal story can be. Even if it’s about a topic that you feel like nobody wants to hear about – like our pets dying.
Talking to Natalie opened my mind and my heart to discussing this topic more freely. Are you ready? Enjoy the interview!
Celebrating Life with Bali-Inspired Pet Burial Shrouds
Natalie Venosi is the founder of Sweet Goodbye. She established the Australia-based company after she learned about the unique farewell ritual of burial shrouds for pets when she was preparing to say goodbye to her beloved dark brindle Staffy cross named Nikita.
Sweet Goodbye offers beautiful, handcrafted shrouds as part of its patented line of pet burial and cremation ceremony kits to help people cope with the difficult loss, and to provide a special way to honor the passing of pets as cherished members of their families. Natalie is also the Executive Director of Pindari, a Supply Nation certified Aboriginal Business.
Overview of this Episode:
- How Natalie found her way into the pet industry
- Defining what a “burial shroud” is
- Why a pet burial doesn’t need to be morbid
- Preparing early for the inevitable final day with your pet
- Selling the Sweet Goodbye products direct to consumer versus wholesale
Where to find Natalie:
- Website: sweetgoodbyeforpets.com
- Website: pindari.com
- Instagram: @SweetGoodbyeForPets
- Facebook:@SweetGoodbyeForPets
- YouTube: Sweet Goodbye Pet Burial & Cremation Kits
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