Podcast Episode 274: 15 Minutes to Accelerate Your Pet Business Goals

In this episode, I’m sharing a work hack that could change your pet business – and it only takes 15 minutes! This time-management approach that I’ve found a lot of success with recently is based on the popular Pomodoro method.

Many years ago, I learned about the Pomodoro method where you work for an amount of time, then take a break. When the break is over you either move on to the next task or continue with the same task. The key is sticking with your timer and actually taking the breaks! 

Why is this approach so impactful? There have been many studies that prove that regular breaks actually make you significantly more productive! Here’s the timer I use to help me stick with this plan.

An app called DeskTime conducted a study that showed the most productive people worked for 52 minutes and then took a 17-minute break. This group’s productivity was off the charts compared to other people in the study! It turns out, our brain naturally works in spurts of high activity followed by less active periods, so breaking your work into smaller chunks actually taps into your natural instincts. Hmmm… reminds me of canine enrichment!

In researching for this episode, I also learned about the Zeigarnik effect, a psychological concept coined by Bluma Zeigarnik that suggests we remember unfinished tasks better than finished ones. When you take a regular break throughout your work day, you naturally create an “unfinished” task that you’re more likely to return to with increased motivation.

Personally, I find that working on certain tasks in 15-minute or 60 minutes chunks per day makes me actually look forward to getting back to the task the following day. When I don’t take breaks, I work for too long, get burned out, and usually end up abandoning a project halfway through.

It’s a fact that shorter, focused work sessions reduce feelings of overwhelm and procrastination. So you get more done, feel better and get to take breaks to play with your dog? Sign me up!

15 Minutes to Accelerate Your Pet Business Goals

Pomodoro Method, Timeboxing + More Productivity Tips

The proof for this approach isn’t limited to official studies… I’ve seen the benefits myself! From blogging to dog training, and even cleaning my basement, I’ve found this method improves time management, reduces burnout, and boosts productivity.

Honestly, when I use the Pomodoro method I can’t wait to get back to work each day!

How does this apply to your pet business? You can break down tasks like planning social media content, responding to emails, sending out influencer pitches, or editing videos. What if you’re working on something big like a new course or writing a book? You’ll be amazed how much you can get done when you focus on a big task for 1 hour per day.

Of course, every new technique has its challenges. If you struggling to concentrate or get distracted easily, try my tips to set yourself up for success: set a timer, start slow with easy tasks, turn off notifications on your phone or computer, and remember to adjust your work/break ratio to suit your style. Whether it’s 15 minutes of work then 5 minutes of break, 25/5, or even 52/17, experiment and find your sweet spot.


  • My journey with the Pomodoro method
  • The science behind this productivity-boosting technique
  • Real-life examples of how it’s helped me
  • How to apply the Pomodoro Method or timeboxing to your pet business
  • Solutions to common challenges faced during implementation





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Tori Mistick Labrador Dog Mom Blog

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Tori Mistick is a blogger, podcaster and certified Canine Enrichment Specialist. You might call her a professional dog mom! Tori has a soft spot for senior dogs and loves the color pink. Based in Pittsburgh, PA.


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Lucy + Burt are the chocolate labrador duo in charge of testing toys, recipes and activities.

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